"But you yourself must not distinguish your victory from your defeat.."
Boris Pasternak once said, "It is not seemly to be famous..."
I love this quote, and those who have heard it from me before can confirm it 😊. For me, it is a slogan about how to be effective! Let me explain what I mean.
How Are We Taught from Childhood?
Learn from your mistakes!
How Do We Act at Work?
We analyze what went wrong and the reasons for failure!
What Does This Approach Lead To?
We become very good at knowing what not to do!
But how do we learn what to do?
This is where I want to return to the first line of my post. "And you should not distinguish defeat from victory yourself!" That is, treat success the same way you treat failure!
In simpler terms, you should not only analyze mistakes and what went wrong. You should also dissect how things turned out well.
Here is a short list of questions to ask yourself:
What did I accomplish?
What went well?
How did I achieve this?
Could I have done better?
What could I have done differently?
The answers to these questions form your strategy for success and effectiveness because they show your strengths, the things you can and should rely on to be effective.
I often asked these questions to my team to help them see how to improve processes, relationships, and projects they were implementing. I often ask these questions to my clients to help them see their strengths so they have something to build on in the future.
I urge you to always critically (in the positive sense of the word) reflect on your success. Because winning once is not enough! It is very important not to relax after the first success and think that everything will now fall into place by itself. The most difficult thing is to be successful consistently, to win time and time again.
This is the real work, and it is much more difficult than achieving success for the first time. After all, the first time, no one expects it from you, but after that, hundreds of eyes are already on you, and others are waiting. This adds additional stress.
So the secret to success is not to rest on your laurels but to constantly work on yourself and seek ways to do better next time than the previous one.
I wish you to always seek new paths to your effectiveness!
And if you want to quickly understand your strategy for success, come to me for coaching! In a coaching format, we can find your strengths together and form your development path so you can achieve the success you deserve!
What do you think of these tips? What questions can I answer? I would love to discuss your pathway to success. You can email me today at maria@yourwayup.coach.